Tuesday 11 June 2013

While widely used, the term hacker is not always applied as it should be. In the hacking community in particular, there can be stark divisions between hackers -- people immensely skilled at navigating computer systems and diagnosing security flaws -- and crackers -- those who use their hacking knowledge for malicious gain. This same dichotomy is sometimes represented by the terms white hat and black hat. A white hat hacker, for example, may be someone hired by a company to break into its computer network in order to find vulnerabilities. A black hat hacker is someone on the outside who would break into a system in order to cause damage or for financial gain.
Although these various definitions exist, the term hacker is now largely a stand-in for anyone who breaks into computer networks, and it often carries a negative connotation. Some have broken the law in their careers, but many have also gone on to have productive (and legal) roles in the computer industry. Those that have broken the law have complex legal cases, and their motives are not necessarily malicious. In this article, we'll look at 10 famous hackers of all stripes.

The term hacker commonly refers to anyone who unlawfully breaks into computer networks, and it often carries a negative connotation.Image Credit: ©iStockphoto.com/Roberto Saporito

10. Kevin Mitnick

Not all hackers break the law and even fewer become the targets of FBI manhunts. But Kevin Mitnick was jailed twice -- first in 1988, and then, after a plea bargain, from 1995 until 2000. For three years, he wasn't allowed to the use the Internet. He managed to send and receive e-mail by having his girlfriend do all the clicking and typing; Mitnick just watched the screen [source: Thompson].
Mitnick often trumpeted himself more as a "social engineer" than a hacker. He said he preferred to use "persuasion, influence and manipulation" in order to solicit information from influential people -- e.g. someone with access to a tech firm's computer network, which didn't require writing new software or otherwise breaking codes to get into a network [source:Thompson].
Mitnick has been the subject of several books, including "Takedown," which was made into a movie, and he even appeared in an episode of the TV show "Alias." Since regaining his computer privileges, he has started his own security-consulting firm, in addition to making rounds on the public speaking circuit.

Hacker Kevin Mitnick was jailed twice for his crimes, once in 1988, and then again from 1995 to 2000.Image Credit: Dan Callister/Getty Images

9. Kevin Poulsen

Like Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen was hunted by the FBI and was the subject of a book "The Watchman: The Twisted Life and Crimes of Serial Hacker Kevin Poulsen" chronicling his hacking exploits. And like Mitnick, Poulsen eventually went straight, giving up hacking.
But before Poulsen rediscovered the right side of the law, he accrued a litany of hacking exploits, some of them illegal. While still a child, he learned how to whistle into a payphone in order to get free calls (he channeled the sound through his braces). He hacked a radio station's phone lines in order to win a call-in contest whose prize was a Porsche. He eventually earned the distinction of being the first hacker charged with espionage after he allegedly stole classified information from the Air Force [source: Markoff]. Other charges against him include hacking into Pacific Bell. Eventually he was sentenced to 51 months for his crimes.
Since giving up hacking, Poulsen has become a journalist, working as a senior editor at Wired magazine, where he often writes about hackers.

8. Adrian Lamo

Earlier on in his hacking career, Adrian Lamo was something of a good Samaritan, known by the moniker "the homeless hacker" because he sometimes took up residence in abandoned buildings. As a hacker, Lamo broke into the networks of a number of major companies -- Excite@Home, MCI WorldCom, Yahoo, Microsoft and Google -- but he often contacted the companies and told them about the security holes. In some cases, he also helped them fix these holes without accepting any compensation [source: TheWeek].
He finally got into trouble when he hacked into The New York Times -- from a computer at a Kinko's -- in 2003. He found a trove of information there, including personal details on thousands of people who had written for the paper, including celebrities and ex-presidents. To avoid jail time, he negotiated a plea bargain that included six months of house arrest [source:TheWeek].
In recent years, Lamo has been in the news for reporting Bradley Manning to police. Manning, a U.S. Army private first class, allegedly funneled thousands of classified documents to the whistleblower organization WikiLeaks and then contacted Lamo, who said that Manning boasted about his actions. Lamo's role in the affair, in which he presented himself as a journalist, has attracted some controversy [source: Greenwald].

7. Gary McKinnon

Like Adrian Lamo, Gary McKinnon has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. This Scottish hacker's supporters have protested plans for the U.K. government to extradite him to the United States to face trial for allegedly hacking into U.S. government computers. Those working on McKinnon's behalf worry that he is "too psychologically fragile" and may commit suicide [source: Kennedy]. His case has contributed to a serious debate about the U.K.'s extradition policies.
McKinnon is under suspicion for hacking into U.S. government computer networks in late 2001 and early 2002, in what's been called a historic breach of security [source: Bingham]. A British court judgment accuses McKinnon of infiltrating 97 computers, installing hacking software, deleting important files and stealing information [source: England and Wales High Court]. He confessed that he left a threatening note on one Army computer, in which he identified himself by the name "SOLO."
McKinnon has admitted to the hacks and said he thought he could find evidence that United States was covering up the existence of UFOs. His case remains ongoing.

Gary McKinnon is accused of hacking into U.S. government computer networks in late 2001 and early 2002.Image Credit: Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

6. Robert Tappan Morris

Robert Tappan Morris is now a tenured professor at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, but he has a colorful history as one of the computer world's most renowned hackers. In 1988, while still an undergraduate at Cornell, Morris released into the wild what may have been the first computer "worm," a virus that went on to infect 6,000 Unix-based computers. Many of these machines suffered serious damage.
Although Morris claimed that he was only trying to measure the "size" of the then-embryonic Internet, the government eventually decided to prosecute him. He became the first person convicted under the 1986 Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act [source: Markoff]. Because of the novelty of the case and Morris' claim that he didn't intend to cause any damage, a debate ensued about whether he deserved prison time. Eventually a judge sentenced Morris to three years probation and ordered him to pay a fine and perform 400 hours of community service.

5. John Draper

While many hackers go mainstream and open consulting firms or become university professors, some never quite get there, and wind up in prison or somewhere else on society's margins. John Draper is one such person. After serving as a radar technician in the Air Force in the mid-1960s, Draper began tinkering with the phone system, learning its intricacies, its internal codes (including, allegedly, a code that allowed him to get President Nixon on the phone) and how to hack the system for free calls.
For his exploits, he became known as a "phone freak," adopting the name after finding a toy whistle in a cereal box and learning that the whistle could be used to imitate telephone tones. Later, Draper linked up with Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and also wrote one of the first word processing programs eventually picked up by Apple and IBM. But his eccentric behavior, poor business sense and bad luck hampered his ability to make money and to stay in a job for long. In the late 1970s, he served two stints in prison for phone fraud.
Over the years, some of Draper's more successful Silicon Valley friends, like Wozniak, have tried to help him, but his record and behavior make him difficult to employ. A 2007 newspaper article described Draper as living in a decrepit, one-room apartment, having almost no teeth, and getting by either on the kindness of friends or occasional programming gigs [source:Rhoads].

4. The Masters of Deception

The Masters of Deception (MOD) was a group of hackers based in New York who, in the late 1980s, went on a hacking spree, taking particular advantage of the country's phone system in order to hack into various corporate and government networks.
Although members of the MOD were top-notch hackers, their big mistake likely came when they engaged in a rivalry with the Legion of Doom (LOD). The battle between the two came to be known as the Great Hacker War, although the conflict allegedly started when one LOD member used a disparaging racial epithet in reference to an MOD member. What followed was a back-and-forth battle between the hacking groups, which also involved LOD members providing security advice to corporations that MOD had targeted.
Eventually, five members of MOD pled guilty to various crimes, and four spent brief periods in jail. The groups' members dispersed, and many found work for technology and security firms. Their story has been chronicled in many articles and books, including one whose title says it all: "Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace."

3. Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce

Some hackers steal information or money, or damage or hijack systems, but few hackers can claim to have nearly started a war. But in 1996, Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce were accused of just that by the U.S. government. Bevan and Pryce, who are both British, were arrested separately, several months apart, for trying to break into U.S. military systems.
Bevan was a 21-year-old IT worker at the time and went by the hacker alias "Kuji," while Pryce was only 17 and known as "Datastream Cowboy" [source: Knight]. According to a U.S. government report, the two allegedly worked together for several months, first establishing an electronic beachhead on a computer system located at Griffiss Air Force Base, in New York. They then installed password-collecting programs and began hacking their way into other government systems. After discovering the intrusions, U.S. officials became especially alarmed when they found that the duo may have infiltrated a North Korean system during an especially tenuous time of negotiations with that country over its nuclear-weapons program. Because the intrusion came via a hijacked U.S. government computer, it could've been construed as an act of war. Ultimately it was discovered that the hack in question had targeted a South Korean government agency [source: U.S. Department of Agriculture].

2. Jonathan James

By age 16, Jonathan James had already achieved renowned hacker status by becoming the first juvenile hacker to be sentenced to juvenile detention for 6 months in 2000 [source: Stout]. Going by the alias "cOmrade," James was charged with hacking into computer systems belonging to NASA and the Department of Defense. His hacks were harmless, but he stole information and the security breaches required extensive downtime in order to secure the systems, which cost tens of thousands of dollars.
James' father supported his son, saying that he hadn't caused any damage and had exposed security flaws [source: Stout]. Unfortunately, after leaving the juvenile institution, James' troubles continued when he tested positive for drugs. And when his mother died when he was 18, that left him alone with her house and little motivation to work, a recipe for hacking.
In 2008, government agents raided his house as part of an investigation into what was then called the largest identity theft case in U.S. history [source: Poulsen]. James and others were suspected of hacking into the systems of many large businesses and stealing information as part of an identity and credit-card theft ring that had netted millions of dollars. Two weeks after the raid, James committed suicide. He left a suicide note explaining that, while he considered himself innocent, he believed that because of his past notoriety, federal authorities would pin the blame on him rather than other guilty parties.

                          Albert "segvec" Gonzalez

     In 2009, Albert Gonzalez pleaded guilty to hacking into numerous companies' computer systems in connection with the so-called TJX identity theft ring -- the same series of crimes that led to the raid on Jonathan James' house. The group that Gonzalez was a part of stole 36 million credit card numbers from TJX, which owns TJ Maxx and other large stores, although 70 percent or so of these cards were expired. Still, the costs to the companies responding to the attacks were immense; TJX alone spent more than $170 million.
What's particularly strange about Gonzalez's case is that for years he worked as an informant for the secret service, providing information on other credit card thieves. However, by continuing and even expanding his criminal behavior, he left himself open to prosecution and was eventually sentenced to 20 years in prison. Several other men also were sentenced to prison time for their participation in the ring, although Gonzalez's sentence remains the longest ever handed down to a hacker in the United States.

Area 51

     Area 51 (also known as Grom lake or Dream lake) is a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base According to the Central Intelligent Agency (CIA), the correct names for the Area 51 facility are the Nevada test and training range and Groom Lake, though the name Area 51 has been used in official CIA documentation.          
     Other names used for the facility include Dreamland,Paradise Ranch,Home BaseWatertown Strip,and most recently Homey Airport. The area around the field is referred to as (R-4808N).
     It is located in the southern portion of Nevada in the western United States, 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of Last Vegas. Situated at its center, on the southern shore of Groom Lake, is a large military airfield.   
     The base's current primary purpose is officially undetermined; however, based on historical evidence, it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. The intense secrecy surrounding the base has made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theory and a central component to identified flying object (UFO) folklore.Everything that happens at Area 51 is classified Top secret / sensetive compartmented information (TS/SCI).
                                                           AREA 51 MAPS

Lets go to Legoland at Nusajaya, Johor Malaysia


     Legoland Malaysia is a theme park that has opened in Nusajaya,Johor Malaysia on September 15, 2012 with over 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions. It is the first Legoland theme park in Asia upon its establishment. The official opening of Legoland Malaysia was made by Sultan Ibrahim Ismail, Sultan of Johor on September 22, 2012. It is the integrated complex in the Nusa Cemerlang industrial park, within the Iskandar Malaysia economic region, consisting of a lifestyle retail centre, offices, hotels, service apartments and residential units.
     Besides the Legoland Malaysia, other Lego-themed attractions nearby will open sometime. The first one will be a Lego-themed water theme park opening in mid-2012 and the other one is The Legoland Hotel, a Lego-themed hotel located at the theme park and also the first to open in Southeast Asia which will open in the first half of 2014. The hotel is built under a management agreement between the company and LL Themed Hotel Sdn Bhd, a joint-venture company owned by Destination Resorts and Hotels Sdn Bhd and Iskandar Harta Holdings Sdn Bhd.
     The cost of Legoland Malaysia and the water theme park is RM720 million, while The Legoland Hotel costs RM190 million.
     Only halal food served at the Market Restaurant of Legoland Malaysia. This includes local and foreign delicacies.
     Legoland Malaysia targets 1.5 million visitors when it opens its doors. and generate more than RM100 million in the first year of its operation.
     Legoland Malaysia layout will start out with the park's main entrance area with the traditionally main entrance Legoland sight. There will be a Big shop Legoland largest store selling Lego products, toys, sets, DVDs, books and Legoland merchandise and other typical entrance area amenities. Imagination will be to the left of the Beginning in this of park will have Interactive Lego games and Lego building this includes build and test an interactive Lego building attraction where visitors build houses, cars, skyscrapers and etc. 
     After building then you can test them out, Lego Mindstorms a Lego coumputer games and robotics attraction. Sky cruiser an aerial monorail ride where you control your vehicle by pedaling it around the track above the paths of Legoland Malaysia with incredible views of the city outside Legoland complex and the park, Kid power towers a zierrer junior drop tower ride where you propel your vehicle seat upward to top of tower and then let go of your vehicle seat rope and that drops you down the tower. 
     Lego Duplo playrooms an interactive little kids area dedicated to kids 2–6 where play with and play in play areas and Other Imagination attractions, shops and dining. Castle hill is located in the back of the park the Lego Knights and princesses themed castle.

And many more waiting for you.
Lets come go to Legoland, Nusajaya, Johor Malaysia
The biggest Theme park in Asia.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Healthy and safety


     Everyone has a different perspective on what a healthy lifestyle is, but it really comes down to practicing good health habits and giving up harmful ones. With a healthy lifestyle you can only get positive reinforcements out of it, such as feeling good; you will have more energy, sleep better and be more relaxed, looking good; you will have a nice toned body, strong muscles, bright eyes healthy hair and skin, and most important you will be happy; you will have a better outlook on life. To begin per-say a new “life” you start with small steps, simple changes. Which will produce big changes in time. Two major factors I will be talking about today are healthy eating and exercising.
     Food pyramid

     Healthy eating will surely gave you a edge on weight loss(PAUSE) here are some ideas to try are: eat breakfast, which I believe a lot of people skip because they don’t have time but eating breakfast stimulates how you feel for the rest of the day and also and may slow down your metabolism. Eat more fruits and vegetables; many people have a problem with this because they don’t buy them. When going grocery shopping hit the produce side first and keeping your fruit on the counter, which will be a reminder to eat them. When eating a salad, use a little bit of salad dressing. Only use 1 tablespoon. Let the dressing coat not drench the salad. When eating meat choose reduced fat or the leanest cuts. Also make sure you trim all the visible fat and drain the grease. Now fried foods, they are very high in fat and clog your arteries so try to stay away or limit the intake to very little. After dinner you always seem to have a little room for desert, if you just have to have the sweets cut down on the portion size, substitute with low-fat or fat-free goods, or choose fruit. But before you go out and buy all types of fat-free or low-fat foods and scarf them down remember they have calories so just eat everything in moderation. Another big problem is eating out, which tends to be good but very fatting and high in calories, so when ordering, you could order a lean roast beef sandwich, grilled chicken, keep portions small, and remember no cheese. And here are few weight loss tips: brush your teeth after you eat to help prevent snacking, and if you must snack eat small portions such a pretzels, whole grain cereal, pop corn, or rice cakes. Drink 8 glasses of a water a day, try to take a morning walk, avoid fried foods, don’t eat 2 hours before bed, cut back or down on alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine and keep track of what you eat.
     Another factor of living a healthy lifestyle is exercising. Regular exercises reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Making time to exercise 20 miniutes a day 3 times a week for a start will make a world of difference as long as your keep it regular. A few type of exercises are aerobic which burns fat calories very quickly and improves and maintains heart and lung fitness. Some examples are dancing, jogging, and swimming. Next it Callisthenic exercises which is good for warm-ups or cools downs, this improves muscle endurance. Examples are chin-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups. Another one is High Resistance exercise, which is very important for athletes; examples are heavy weight training and sprints.
We made research paper based on different thesis of health lifestyle.

The top 5 fitness thesis are:
assess your fitness level and set goals. Be realistic at this one you cant just lose weight in a day it takes time, so just don’t gave up
find the exercise right for you. This means be reasonable with your self if your are just starting out don’t set your self to run 3 miles a day, there will be no way and you will get tired of working out and just stop, so try walking around your block a few times and left 3-5 pds weights. Find something you enjoy to do and that will help you stick with it longer.
Cardiovascular Exercise: & How much? With cardiovascular or aerobic exercises there are many choices such as how long you do it and at what intensity at which you do it
Resistance Training, strength training, increase muscle mass which the more muscle you have the more calories you are able to burn and it improves strength and balance

Design a program and stay motivated. Just staying motivated and happy with your program you will see results with your self right after working out the first time. Some safety tips for exercising are choose a exercise program that is appropriate for you, dress appropriately for the weather, don’t not exercise if you are unwell, if you have pains in joints, feet, or legs, don’t exercise within 2 hours of a meal, in the middle of the day, and don’t take a hot shower or sit in a sauna immediately after wait awhile to cool down. Always warm up and cool down and drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after working out. Always try to fit in a work out for example if you have only ten minutes you can increase you energy level with 1 minute warm up; walk in place 2 minutes do lunges 2 minutes do push ups 2 minutes do sit ups or crunches then 2 minutes stretch. That little workout could help you in the long runyt.

Monday 20 May 2013

Sibu Island Resort


     Sibu Island is middle are also known as Sibu Island Resort located by outside Malaysian coastFace Chinese sea southern it actually consists few that next to namely Pulau Sibu Besar, Sibu Kukus, Sibu Tinggi and Pulau Sibu Hujung. About 40 minutes from Tanjung Leman, Mersing to sibu island by boarding Ferry.


     Sibu Island is middle known with good beach and the sand sea coast that whiteSibu Island have rather various type of marine life that attract and antelopepeacockrabbit and mousedeer discharged play around island and tourist could be holding him and give it eat.

      Sibu Island has 120 chalets, with 4 katagori type superior chalet, Delux, Layang-layang Honeymoon and Raja udang.
     Therefore a lot of activities that can you try here like Jungle tracking, climbing, snorkeling, island hoping and many more.
     Ablaze when go thereSo start perlancongan you here.  Confirm you can get sweet memory at that Island.
More Info : http://www.agoda.com/asia/malaysia/mersing/sibu_island_resort.html?type=1&site_id=1410012&url=http://www.agoda.com/asia/malaysia/mersing/sibu_island_resort.html&tag=5772449e-1d8b-460f-834e-a51cd7b002b4&gclid=CNC0-sLRyLcCFWYB4godD3MAGA&cklg=