Sunday 9 June 2013

Healthy and safety


     Everyone has a different perspective on what a healthy lifestyle is, but it really comes down to practicing good health habits and giving up harmful ones. With a healthy lifestyle you can only get positive reinforcements out of it, such as feeling good; you will have more energy, sleep better and be more relaxed, looking good; you will have a nice toned body, strong muscles, bright eyes healthy hair and skin, and most important you will be happy; you will have a better outlook on life. To begin per-say a new “life” you start with small steps, simple changes. Which will produce big changes in time. Two major factors I will be talking about today are healthy eating and exercising.
     Food pyramid

     Healthy eating will surely gave you a edge on weight loss(PAUSE) here are some ideas to try are: eat breakfast, which I believe a lot of people skip because they don’t have time but eating breakfast stimulates how you feel for the rest of the day and also and may slow down your metabolism. Eat more fruits and vegetables; many people have a problem with this because they don’t buy them. When going grocery shopping hit the produce side first and keeping your fruit on the counter, which will be a reminder to eat them. When eating a salad, use a little bit of salad dressing. Only use 1 tablespoon. Let the dressing coat not drench the salad. When eating meat choose reduced fat or the leanest cuts. Also make sure you trim all the visible fat and drain the grease. Now fried foods, they are very high in fat and clog your arteries so try to stay away or limit the intake to very little. After dinner you always seem to have a little room for desert, if you just have to have the sweets cut down on the portion size, substitute with low-fat or fat-free goods, or choose fruit. But before you go out and buy all types of fat-free or low-fat foods and scarf them down remember they have calories so just eat everything in moderation. Another big problem is eating out, which tends to be good but very fatting and high in calories, so when ordering, you could order a lean roast beef sandwich, grilled chicken, keep portions small, and remember no cheese. And here are few weight loss tips: brush your teeth after you eat to help prevent snacking, and if you must snack eat small portions such a pretzels, whole grain cereal, pop corn, or rice cakes. Drink 8 glasses of a water a day, try to take a morning walk, avoid fried foods, don’t eat 2 hours before bed, cut back or down on alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine and keep track of what you eat.
     Another factor of living a healthy lifestyle is exercising. Regular exercises reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Making time to exercise 20 miniutes a day 3 times a week for a start will make a world of difference as long as your keep it regular. A few type of exercises are aerobic which burns fat calories very quickly and improves and maintains heart and lung fitness. Some examples are dancing, jogging, and swimming. Next it Callisthenic exercises which is good for warm-ups or cools downs, this improves muscle endurance. Examples are chin-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups. Another one is High Resistance exercise, which is very important for athletes; examples are heavy weight training and sprints.
We made research paper based on different thesis of health lifestyle.

The top 5 fitness thesis are:
assess your fitness level and set goals. Be realistic at this one you cant just lose weight in a day it takes time, so just don’t gave up
find the exercise right for you. This means be reasonable with your self if your are just starting out don’t set your self to run 3 miles a day, there will be no way and you will get tired of working out and just stop, so try walking around your block a few times and left 3-5 pds weights. Find something you enjoy to do and that will help you stick with it longer.
Cardiovascular Exercise: & How much? With cardiovascular or aerobic exercises there are many choices such as how long you do it and at what intensity at which you do it
Resistance Training, strength training, increase muscle mass which the more muscle you have the more calories you are able to burn and it improves strength and balance

Design a program and stay motivated. Just staying motivated and happy with your program you will see results with your self right after working out the first time. Some safety tips for exercising are choose a exercise program that is appropriate for you, dress appropriately for the weather, don’t not exercise if you are unwell, if you have pains in joints, feet, or legs, don’t exercise within 2 hours of a meal, in the middle of the day, and don’t take a hot shower or sit in a sauna immediately after wait awhile to cool down. Always warm up and cool down and drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after working out. Always try to fit in a work out for example if you have only ten minutes you can increase you energy level with 1 minute warm up; walk in place 2 minutes do lunges 2 minutes do push ups 2 minutes do sit ups or crunches then 2 minutes stretch. That little workout could help you in the long runyt.

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