Tuesday 14 May 2013

Apple Versus Samsung


     Apple sued its component supplier Samsung, alleging in a 38-page federal complain on April 15, 2011 in the United States district Court for the Northern district of California that several of Samsung's Android phones and tablets, including the Nexus S, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab, infringed on Apple’s intellectual property: its patents, trademark, user interface and style. Apple's complaint included specific federal claims for patent infringement, false designation of original, unfair compition, and trademark infrighmen, as well as state-level claims for unfair competition, common law trademark infringement, and unjust enrichment.
     Apple's evidence submitted to the court included side-by-side image comparisons of iPhone 3GS and i9000 Galaxy S to illustrate the alleged similarities in packaging and icons for apps. However, the images were later found to have been tampered with in order to make the dimensions and features of the two different products seem more similar, and counsel for Samsung accused Apple of submitting misleading evidence to the court.
     Samsung Counter-sued Apple on April 22, 2011, filing federal complaints in courts in Seoul, Tokyo and Mannhe, Germany, alleging Apple infringed Samsung's patents for mobile-communications technologies. By summer, Samsung also filed suits against Apple in the British High Court Of Justice, in the United States district Court for the district of Delawire, and with the United States International Trade Comision (ITC) in Washington D.C., all in June 2011.
    Certainly very comedy when Company Samsung pays summons use Syilling moneyBefore this, samsung lost summons result imitateapple patent product and need to pay USD 1 Billion. As a result offrom the act, samsung choose best method and most problematic in the world to pay summons by dispatching coin 5 Sen to Apple. This definitely very hurt Apple company's heart.Even the waypaymentstill are made like that ordered.

More than 30 trucks filled with coin of 5 cents arrived at Apple headquarter in CaliforniaIn the beginningsecurity guard that protect facility think it dislocated to wrong spot, but few minutes laterTim Cook (CEO Apple incgot calls from Samsung Chief Executive Officer explains that they will pay $ 1000000000 dollars for fine recently with that being mailed on Korean South company by this method. What funny is document signed not fix single payment method, so Samsung entitles to send to iPhone inventor one billion dollar as they think best.

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