Friday 17 May 2013



     Bunkface is a musical Band in Malaysia type Punk rock founded in KlangSelangor . It established in year 2005. Bunkface comprises from 3members. Syamsul Annuar or known as Sam 26 yearsHe is vocalist and guitarist. Second, bass guitar player and background singer known as Youk or the real name Farouk Jaafar and last paan lead guitar player or known as Ahmad farhan.
     Bunkface began to be known when song titled 'Situation' that loaded by inside album 'Lesson of the season' that leap this group to higher level until bring him to Final Anugerah Juara Lagu 25 (AJL25) in year 2010. Bunkface gives opposition that is steady to other artists at night last mentioned but saying when song titled 'Situation not win gains any award at night last mentioned.
     Nevertheless, the case does not give breakpoint to this youth. They now surer and steady when making presentation. And now Bunkface already has fans club called as 'Bunkers'.
     Bunkface continue to inaugurate move higher level until represent Malaysia contests in Hong Kong. Bunkface giving rival that is very steady to their participant rival from other Country like JapanKorea, China and other several Country. Bunkface sing song titled 'Escape Dance' and second song is We are the champion'. Finally Bunkface gets third place in the competition . This case is very proud local music in Malaysia.
     Until today, Bunkface name increasingly known throughout the world and now they get much legislation from other Country’s that see large ability young artist.
     Now Bunkface has launched album titled 'Bunk Dead Note' that launched in July 2013. Album load 11 new songs that are entitled Panik, Agenda Jahiliah, More, Better of this way, The Insider, Bunk dead noteHollywood just died, and a few other songs.
     Bunkface group that formerly make as early as presentation at High School has now been get creates very big success. Congratulation to 3 this youth. Hope may still remains develop local music.
-List of Album by Bunkface: 
-Lesson Of The Season-       -Bunk Not Dead-
                  -Phobbia phoney-
-List Long Of Bunkface-
-Situasi -Silly Lily -Bunk Anthem -Revolusi -Hyper killer -Fine
-Ekstravaganza -Panik -Escape Dance -Trough My Window -Dunia 
-Agenda Jahiliah -The Insider -Hollywood Just Died -Better Of This Way
-Soldier -Our Way -Bunk Not Dead -You And Me-

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